Sales (Thoroughbred & Standardbred)

Hess Equine actively encourages breeders to obtain a full set of x-rays to identify joints needing surgical intervention pre-sale. This is typically performed between 12-14 months of age. At the same time we also recommend upper airway endoscopy to identify throat function and any abnormalities that may benefit from intervention.
Appropriate treatment is recommended based upon the survey findings to help horses meet their fullest potential.
Repositories (Thoroughbred Sales)
Routinely we take high quality x-rays of horses eligible for racing (Thoroughbred) and submit them to the repository for the sale in which the horse is selling. At the same time upper airway endoscopy is also performed to identify throat function. Video endoscopy is available.
Repository collection dates are set by the sales company and vary by sale. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that the date the radiographs are obtained is appropriate for the sale in which the horse sells.

Routinely our veterinarians attend the major Thoroughbred sales in Timonium, MD as well as in Lexington, KY and Saratoga, NY. We also are available for the local Standardbred sales (Harrisburg, PA / Timonium, MD).
We have significant expertise reading repository radiographs and evaluating upper airway endoscopic exams. Further we are available to evaluate conformation, general health, and soundness to help buyers make educated purchasing decisions. Depending upon the quality of x-rays submitted in the repository or the findings of those images, we may recommend further diagnostic imaging (including ultrasound) which we can perform on-site.
For sales facilities without a repository bank, we are able to take on-site x-rays and perform upper airway endoscopy on an as-needed basis.